
The 14th Annual UnTapped Blues & Brews festival is Saturday, May 8th. Tickets go on sale April 3rd.

I’ll be playing with Coyote Kings at the pre-launch party at Ice Harbor Brew Pub, too, so don’t miss it!

The Parkade 03/20/10

Concert poster I had such a blast last night with Coyote Kings at the Parkade, because not only did we have a full house and some enthusiastic dancers on the floor, but we had special guests: Billy Stoops and Barbara Blue from Junkyard Jane!

We alternated sets for the most part, but at the end of the night it was just a big blues jam. Billy jumped up on the bar and ran around during one of the last songs; it was bourbon-fueled fun!

Blue’s a rock solid bass player and a really nice human being, and Stoops is a great guitar player as well as being pretty hilarious. It was great meeting them, great sharing the stage with them, and I’m really looking forward to seeing them both again at UnTapped in May.

Some really blurry, low-res cell phone pics of the gig are here.


Listen Now

Listen to the Smokey Robinson tune Get Ready, a demo track I recorded with the Coyote Kings:

Get Ready


There are lots of free downloads on my Downloads page; grab what you want and let me know what you think.


Come see me in person! Let’s hang out! Seriously. Visit the Gigs page for a list of my upcoming shows.

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